Faculty Profile

Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma
Assistant Professor, Geography
Full Name
Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma
Assistant Professor, Geography
Career Profile
Teaching experience in years | Area of specialisation | |
38 years | Teaching: U.G.- 35 yrs. P.G.- 05 yrs |
Research: Agriculture Geography. |
Research Guidance: M.Phil./Ph.D. /D.Sc. /D.Litt.
Name of Research Scholar | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status (No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing) |
Lata Kumari | B/1314/21 Date-30-07-2021 | राँची जिला में कृषि विकाश का अस्तर एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन | Ongoing |
Chanchal Kumari | Applied on 07.03.2022 | गुमला जिला में नगरीकरण एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन | Ongoing |
Amit Kumar | Applied on 23.09.2022 | Problems and Prospects of irrigation in Bokaro District: A Geographical Analysis. | Ongoing |
Mukesh Kr. Das | Applied on 23-09-2022 | हज़ारीबाग़ जिला में कृषि का विकाश | Ongoing |
Rajesh Ghosh | Applied on 20-10-2022 | Water and Water supply management: A case study of Gumla District. | Ongoing |
Khundu Paul | Applied on 23-09-2022 | Growth and Explanation of slum and its impact on regional economy of Howrah sadar west Begal. | Ongoing |
Shna Kr. Arya | Applied on 23-09-2022 | Trends of Migration in Gumla District: A Geographical Analysis. | Ongoing |
Number of Research papers published in Journals/Periodical
Title with page Nos. | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date of Publication |
बक्सर पशु धन का सकलेट क्रांति समस्याएँ एवं समाधान | 0973-3914 | Research General of Social and life Science Rewa (M.P) | September 2019 vol-xxix-II |
राँची जिला संभाग में कृषि विकाश में पर्देशित असंतुलन तथा उससे दूर करने के उपाए का एक अध्ययन | 0433-4515 | Geographical out look Ranchi University Geographical Council Univ.Dept. of Geography R.U.R |
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