Faculty Profile

Dr. Anita Mehta
Associate Professor, Botany
Full Name
Dr. Anita mehta
Associate Professor
Joined Institute on
Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years | Area of Specialisation | |
30 years(UG) | Teaching: Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | Research: Plant Tissue Culture and Phytochemical studies ,strategies to enhance sec metabolites in Cell,Tissue Culture,Nanoparticles |
26 years(PG) | Teaching: Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | Research: Plant Tissue Culture and Phytochemical studies ,strategies to enhance sec metabolites in Cell,Tissue Culture,Nanoparticles |
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholor | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing) |
1 .Ms. Shalini Jane Mundu | 134360/17 dated 22.08.2017 | Studies on bioactive compounds produced from endophytic fungi and its host Centella astiatica L. | This will be submitted in 2 months |
2 .Ms. Priyanka Kumari | 14SXC024741 Dated 18.08.21 |
Strategies for the enhancement of secondary metabolite production of Solanum nigrum L. by plant cell and tissue culture | ongoing |
3 .Ms. Priyanka Puran | Date of pre Ph.D regtn.seminar 20.03.23 | Green synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using leaf and callus extracts of Leucas Cephalotes (Roth.) Spreng. and evaluation of their biological activvities | ongoing |
Books authored /Edited / Co-Author Chapter in Book
Name of Books | Subject | Sole or Co-Author | ISBN | Date of Publication | Name of Publishers |
Plants for a future 1.FINGER MILLET : A WONDER GRAIN (Classical to Experimental) | Botany | Sole author Dr Anita Mehta | ISBN 978-93-84782-13-9 | 2017 | Disha International Publishing House Greater Noida |
Number of Research Papers published in
Sr. No. | Title with page number | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date of Publication |
1 | Effects of plant growth regulators on callus multiplication and in vitro plant regeneration in Bacopa monnier L.Vol.6(5),337-345 | I2169-303X | International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (International Scholor Journals) | 2017 |
2 | Growth and Development of rooted plantlets of Bacopa monnier L. in auxin - free tissue culture medium. Vol 7 (3), June 2017 , 11-16 | ISSN(P):2277-4815; ISSN(E):2319-4456 | International Journal of Botany and Research (Transsteller Journal Publications) | 2017 |
3 | Phytochemical stusies of in vitro and in vivo Grown plantlets of
Bacopa monnier L. Vol.6(4): 129-138 |
ISSN(P):2319-4014; ISSN(E):2319-4022 | International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences | 2017 |
4 | TLC and HPTLC profiling and antibacterial effects of callus extracts
of Holarrhaena antidysenterica Wall. Vegetos 30(supplement) 2017.
Doi : 10.5958/2229-4473.2017.00176.8 |
ISSN9070-4078 | Veetos: An International J . of Plant Research | 2017 |
5 | Screening of secondary metabolites produced fromdry leaves of
Centella asiatica L. and its isolated endophytic fungi. Vol.8, Issue 1 IJRAR21A1354 pg-151-164 |
E-ISSN2348-5138 | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2021 |
6 | In vitro root proliferation from different explants of Solanum nigrum L | ISSN:2229-4473 | Vegetos Springger Nature(Online) | 2022 |
7 | DPPH and FRAP assays for different extracts of in-vitro & in-vivo grown plantlets of Baccopa monieri L. | ISSN:2229-4473 | Vegetos Springger Nature(Online) | 2023 |
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended /
Sr.No. | Seminar / Conference | Date of Participation | National / International |
1 | Environmental and Biotechnological prospects and issues in India | 23rd - 24th June 2017 | National Conference organised by Inter Disciplinary Forum , Ranchi Womens College |
2 | Water Resourses :Issues, Challenges and Sustainability | 29th June 2017 | One Day State Level Seminar Cus Discussion orgaised by Dept of Geography and Green Audit Team, Ranchi Womens college. |
3 | Challenges and opportunities of liffe sciences. | 20th April 2018 | National Conference organised by Center of Life Science , Central Univ of Jharkhand |
4 | Green Science and Sustainable Development | 24th Feb 2018 | Jharkhand Council of Science and Technology Ranchi |
5 | Molecular Diagnostics (PCR, Registration Digestion and litigation) | 8th - 9th Nov 2019 | SHRM BIOTECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. Venue- RWC , DEPT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY |
6 | Emerging Trends in Plant & Environment Sciences | 2nd - 4th Feb 2023 | Department of Botany , University of Rajasthan , Jaipur |
1.Life member of various peer reviewed journals : MENDEL, BIONATURE, INDIAN BOTONICAL SOCIETY, BIOSCAN, VEGETOS. |
3.served as rapporteur during National Conference organised by RWC 23-24 June 2017 |
4. The Honours of Life Membership is gratefully presented for outstanding dedication to society for Plant Research under the ages of which Int.J.of Plant Research and Biotechnology : Vegetos is published , currently processed by Springer Nature. |
5. Reviewer of Manuscripts for (i). Vegetos, an International Journal of Plant Research, (ii) International j. of Environmental and Climate Change. (iii) European J.of Medicinal Plants |
6. Member Secretary ot the Comittee(Award and Honor- 2021) for various SPR Vegetos awards. |
7. Fellow of SPR |
8. Member of Department Research council , Univ Dept. of Botany, RU |
1. Best Research paper award from International J. of Botany and Research June 2017, Transstellar Journals Publ. |
2. Best research paper award from International J. of Applied and Nature Sciences 2017 |
3. Savitri bai Phule Appreciation Award 2023 A. N. College, Dumka (SKM University, Dumka) |
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