Faculty Profile

Dr. Anita Sinha
Assistant Professor
Full Name
Dr. Anita Sinha
Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professional & Educational Details
Organization : Biotechnology and Microbiology, Education |
Highest Degree Held 2016 - Ph.D. in Botany Entitled “TISSUE CULTURE STUDIES ON ANTICANCEROUS PLANT ‘AMRITA’ (Tinospora cordifolia Miers ex Hook F. &Thoms); PHYTOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF SYNERGY EFFECT AND ITS ANTINEOPLASTIC ACTIVITIES’’ Under the Guidance of Dr. H. P. Sharma, University Professor (Retd), Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi and Co-Guidance of Dr. K. K. Singh(Retd),UniversityProfessor and Chairman of Department of Pathology, Veterinary College, Birsa Agriculture University, Kanke, Ranchi. |
Master’s Degree in Biotechnology North Orissa University (74%) |
Domain Knowledge : Biotechnology/Microbiology. Summary : Bachelor in Biotechnology, Master Degree in Biotechnology and Ph.D. |
Objective: I look forward to become a Successful Microbiology/Biotech. Professional, which is only possible by being a part of a reputed and renowned organization, thus being an energetic professional, with perfect potential & strong caliber. |
Education 2016: Ph.D. University Department of Botany, Ranchi University with Ph.D. Course Work. 2005: Master in Biotechnology, North Orissa University (1st class) 2002 : Bachelor in Biotechnology, Ranchi Women’s College, Ranchi (1st class) 1999: Intermediate Science, C.B.S.E. (1st class) 1997: High School Examination, C.B.S.E. (1st class) |
Work Experience: (14 years)
Working as Assistant Professor in M.Sc Biotechnology running under University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi (since November,2018). |
Teaching experience in Microbiology (U.G & P.G) Deptt. of Botany, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi, from 19 September 2014 to November 2018. (4 Years 02 Months). |
One-year teaching experience in Biotechnology Department in Marwari College, Ranchi (2012-2013). |
Four years teaching experience in Biotechnology (U.G & P.G) in Birsa Institute of Technology, Ratu Road, Ranchi, (2006-2010). |
Papers Published - (Full Length-19) (National and International Journals)
1. “EFFECT OF ORGANIC SUPPLEMENT ON OYSTER MUSHROOM SPAWN PRODUCTION” J Adv Sci Res, 2023; 14 (07): 08-14 8 Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 2023; 14 (07): Aug.-2023 Journal of Advanced Scientific Research ISSN 0976-9595,Available online through https://sciensage.info |
2 “Phytochemical studies of methanol extracts of Tinospora cordifolia growing with different supporting trees by GC-MS published in Biospectra (An International Biannual Refereed Journal of Life Science) ISSN:0973-7057). March,2023,Vol-18,Issue-1,pp-225-230. |
3. Bioinformatics approaches using computational tools of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. March 2022; Volume 9, Issue 3;157-170. |
5. “TO STUDY THE SPREAD CURVE OF CORONA VIRUS IN INDIA”2021; Bentham Science, Coronaviruses, July 2021;ISSN No:2666-7975(online),ISSN:2666-7667 (print)Voume 2,Issue 3,359-363. |
7. “A New Possible Way For Cancer Cure-DNA FOUR STRAND” November 2019.,World Cancer Research Journal;6:e1425(Online), ISSN No:2666- 7975(online),ISSN:2666-7667 (print),2372-3416.Web of Science(Thomson Reuter Indexed). |
8. “Anti-Tumour and Anti-Bacterial Activity of Some Ethno-Medicinal Plants” 2017.,Research and Reviews:A Journal of Immunology,ISSN:2277- 6206(Online),ISSN:2349-1280(Print),Volume 7, Issue 3,16-22. |
9. “Studies on Phytochemicals Present in Methanol Extracts of Tinospora cordifolia by GC-MS”2017.,World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.Impact Factor-7.5, ISSN:2277- 7105. |
10. “Micropropagation and Phytochemical Screening of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.)Miers Ex. Hook. F. &Thoms:Amedicinal plant” 2014.,International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. Impact Factor-4.9 |
11. “Clinical Significance of Tumour Markers” 2014.,American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics.Impact Factor- 3.266,ISSN 2321 – 2748, Volume-2,Issue-9, 1005-1015 |
12. “APOPTOSIS (PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH)-A REVIEW”2014.,World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. SGIF Impact Factor -5.045,Impact Factor-8.084, ISSN:2277-7105, Volume 3, Issue 4, 1854-1872. |
14. “Callus Induction and Phytochemical Screening of Tinospora cordifolia(Willd.) Miers ex Hook. F. and Thoms.”(2014).,Biospectra.9(1):191-196.(ISSN/ISBN NO-0973-7057). |
15. “The association, Environmental Protection and Ecological Significance of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza:A Review" 2013.,Journal of Ecology. Photon (Impact Index: 5.12).107,248-264. |
16. “A review on potential Ethno-medicinal plant Tinospora cordifolia L.”2013., International Journal of Medicinal Plants(Impact Index: 3.12).105,323-333. |
17. “A Rapid and Efficient Protocol of DNA Extraction from Animal Blood and Plant Parts”2013.,Review and Research: Journal of Biotechnology. STM Journal;(3), ISSN NO-2231-3826) |
18. “Phyto-Chemical Screening of Some Medicinal Plants Used by The Ethnic Communities of Jharkhand State”2012.,International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering (IJBE) [ISSN 0976-1519 is indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), USA].3(3),203-209. |
19. “Folk Herbal Medicines of Ethnic People in the Damodar Basin of Jharkhand (India)”. 2010.,International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering (IJBE) ISSN 0976-1519. 1(4): 209-215. |
1. Abstract entitled “Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of leaf extract of Calliandra haematocephala” in an International Conference on Environment, Aquaculture and Sustainable Agriculture 22 - 23 - 24 September 2023 in St. Xavier’s College Ranchi, Jointly Organized by: Department of Botany St. Xavier’s College Ranchi in association with International Foundation for Environment and Ecology, Kolkata, Durga National Education Trust (DNET), Bihar, in Collaboration with Confederation of Indian Universities (CIU), New Delhi |
2. Abstract entitled “Role of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in Combating Climate Change” accepted for publication in Souvenir book of 4th International Conference on “Innovations to Transform Agriculture, Horticulture and Allied Sectors” (ITAHAS-2023) to be held at Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad on 21-23 June 2023, organized by Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad, ISAHRD, Chandigarh JUST AGRICULTURE Education Group. |
3. Resurrecting Herb ‘Sanjeevani’(Selaginella bryopteris):An Overview, published in souvenir book of an International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Engineering, Science, Agriculture &Social Studies(MAESAAS-2023) held at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra on 3-4 June 2023, organized by Council of Research and Sustainable Development, India, Society of Education, India, Deptt. Of Biochemistry, SLS, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University Agra and European Laser Academy, Germany. |
4. Chemotherapeutic approach for treatment of cancer using Nanotechnology, published in souvenir book of an Interdisciplinary International Conference on Emerging Sustainable Technologies, Policies and Methodologies on 13-14th May,2023 hosted and organized by Marwari College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. |
5. Climate Change and Global Warming: A Cause of Concern and Threat, published in abstract book of International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by Dept of Botany, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal. November 14-15-16, 2022. |
6. Reducing the Toxicity of Heavy Metals from the Environment by Using the Phytoremediation Technique Using Helianthus annuus, published in abstract book of International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by Dept of Botany,St.Xavier’s College,Ranchi,Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal. November 14-15-16, 2022. |
7. In Vitro Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Tinospora cordifolia (GILOY), published in abstract book of International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by Dept of Botany,St.Xavier’s College,Ranchi,Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal. November 14-15-16, 2022. |
8. Reasons and Mitigative Measures of Human-Tiger Conflict in Sundarban Tiger Reserve: A Case Study, published in abstract book of International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by Dept of Botany,St.Xavier’s College,Ranchi,Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal. November 14-15-16, 2022. |
9. G-Quadruplex-A strategy for cancer cure, published in abstract book of National symposium, organised by C.M.Science College Darbhanga-846004,Bihar (A constituent unit of L.N.Mithila University ,Darbhanga-846004,Bihar,INDIA) Collaboration with Swami Vivekananda Cancer Hospital, Darbhanga NSRTCRM-2022(11-12 May). |
10. “Studies on phytochemicals present in methanol extracts of stem of Tinospora cordifolia”.All India conference of the Indian botanical society and national symposium on new approaches and recent challenges in Botany,2016. |
11. “GC_MS analysis of Boerhavia diffusa Linn.whole plant methanol extracts;Amedicinal plant. All India conference of the Indian botanical society and national symposium on new approaches and recent challenges in Botany, 2016. |
12. “Effect of Tinospora cordifolia extract on Agrobacterium tumefaciens induced tumors”.National Symposium on “Advances in phytopathological research in globalized era with special reference to eastern region” 2015. |
13. “Biotechnological methods of conservation of Tinospora cordifolia”. 6th International Conference on Biosciences Research for Nutritional security, Environmental Conservation & Human Health in Rural India held at IINRG Namkum, Ranchi (22-24 dec.2014). |
14. Anticancerous plants of Jharkhand”2010. International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering (IJBE), ISSN NO. 0976-1519. |
15. “Phytotherapeutics practices prevalent in ethnic communities on psychoneurotic disorders of Ranchi district, Jharkhand State”2010. International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering (IJBE) ISSN 0976-1519. |
1. Concept of Immunology, published in March,2022 by Agrobios Research- An International Publishing House, New Delhi.ISBN:978-93-91568-64-1. |
2. Authoring a book on Animal Biotechnology (under process). |
Book Chapters
1. 2023: Socio Scientific Interaction in Diabetes and Cancer and its Management published by B P International G- Quadraplex and Ligand Interactions Chapter 23. ISBN:978-81-968135-7-4 (Print), 978-81-968135-0-5 (eBook). |
2. 2022: Concept of Immunology;Chapter 15:Cytokines. ISBN Number-978-93-91568-64-1. Published by Agrobios International Publishing House, New Delhi. |
3. 2022: Concept of Immunology;Chapter 18:Autoimmune disease; Number-978-93-91568-64-1. Published by Agrobios International Publishing House, New Delhi. |
4. 2021: Plant Physiology-Structure Development and Metabolism;Chapter- 13:Metabolism of water and inorganic moieties published in Plant Physiology-Structure Development and Metabolism edited by Paras Jain and Vishal Ahuja. Published by Jaya Publishing House, New Delhi. (2021), ISBN No.- 978-93-89996-48-7 |
5. Ethno Medicinal Plants,-Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Profiles “TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA: A Miraculous Herb”; Anita Sinha and H.P.Sharma; edited by H.P. Sharma, Published by Agrobios International Publishing House, New Delhi.2016.ISBN No.- 978-93-81191-07-1. |
Conferences, National Symposiums, and Seminars
1. Participated and presented paper entitled Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of leaf extract of Calliandra haematocephala in an International Conference on Environment, Aquaculture and Sustainable Agriculture 22 - 23 - 24 September 2023 in St. Xavier’s College Ranchi, Jointly Organized by: Department of Botany St. Xavier’s College Ranchi in association with International Foundation for Environment and Ecology, Kolkata, Durga National Education Trust (DNET), Bihar, i.n Collaboration with Confederation of Indian Universities (CIU), New Delhi |
2. Participated and presented a paper entitled “Role of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in Combating Climate Change” in 4th International Conference on “Innovations to Transform Agriculture, Horticulture and Allied Sectors” (ITAHAS-2023) to be held at Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad on 21-23 June 2023, organized by Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad, ISAHRD, Chandigarh JUST AGRICULTURE Education Group. |
3. Participated and presented paper entitled Resurrecting Herb ‘Sanjeevani’(Selaginella bryopteris):An Overview, in an International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Engineering, Science, Agriculture &Social Studies(MAESAAS-2023) held at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra on 3-4 June 2023, organized by Council of Research and Sustainable Development, India, Society of Education, India, Deptt. Of Biochemistry, SLS, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University Agra and European Laser Academy, Germany. |
4. Attended an Interdisciplinary International Conference on Emerging Sustainable Technologies, Policies and Methodologies on 13-14th May,2023 hosted and organized by Marwari College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. |
5. Participated and presented paper entitled In Vitro Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Tinospora cordifolia (GILOY) in International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by Dept of Botany, St.Xavier’s College,Ranchi,Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal. November 14-15-16, 2022. |
6. International Symposium on Socio Scientific Interaction in Diabetes and Cancer and its Management on 20-21 May, 2023, organized by Department of Zoology, Millat College, Darbhanga (Bihar) in collaboration with Department of Zoology, B.M. College, Rahika, Madhubani Bihar. |
7. NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 11-12, MAY 2022 Organised by C.M.Science College Darbhanga-846004,Bihar (A constituent unit of L.N.Mithila University ,Darbhanga-846004,Bihar,INDIA) in Collaboration with Swami Vivekananda Cancer Hospital, Darbhanga NSRTCRM-201 |
8. Participated in National Conference on Trends and Progress of Animal Sciences (Supported by Science and Technology Department,Government of Odisha) organized by Post Graduate Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Fakir Mohan University in association with Zoological Society of Orissa (February 2020) |
9. Presented paper in All India conference of the Indian botanical society and national symposium on new approaches and recent challenges in Botany entitled “Studies on phytochemicals present in methanol extracts of stem of Tinospora cordifolia” (October 2016). |
10. Participated and presented paper on “Effect of Tinospora cordifolia extract on Agrobacterium tumefaciens induced tumors”in a two day National Symposium on the topic of “Advances in Phytopathological Research in Globalized Era with reference to Eastern Region”, held on 29th & 30th January,2015 at University Department of Botany,Ranchi University,Ranchi,organized by Indian Pathological Society Eastern Zone. |
11. Presented paper in 6th International Conference on Biosciences Research for Nutritional Security, Environmental Conservation & Human Health in Rural India held at IINRG Namkum, Ranchi entitled “Biotechnological methods of conservation of Tinospora cordifolia”. |
12. Presented paper in International conference on Biological Sciences and Engineering St.Ann’s College Hyderabad entitled “Anticancerous plants of Jharkhand”. |
13. Presented paper in International conference on Biological Sciences and Engineering St. Ann’s College Hyderabad entitled “Phytotherapeutic practices prevalent in Ethnic communities on Psychoneurotic disorders of Ranchi District, Jharkhand State”. |
Projects & Trainings/workshops/Refresher course/Orientation Program/Facuty Development Program/Webinars
1. Five-day short-term training program on “Scientific Writing & Publishing”, organized by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sarla Birla University, Ranchi- Jharkhand during 31st July to 4th August 2023. |
2. 7 Day’s Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology, Bibliometric Analysis and Data Analysis Using R, Dated : 22 - 28 July 2023 organized by Society of Education, India University of A sity of Agricultural Sciences, Raic Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka European Laser Academy, Germany Genome Biotech, Mathura In Association With / Spearheaded By Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India Under WASTE TO WEALTH MISSION |
3. Participated in the New IPR 2023 e workshop organized by Innovative Technology Enabling Centre (In TEC) CSIR IMMT, Bhubaneswar during June 12-17,2023. |
4. Participated in the National Seminar on How to Prepare for CAT conducted by the EMPYREAN CLUB under the aegis of the Department of Botany and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, ST, XAVIERS COLLEGE,RANCHI on 29th May 2023 |
5. Participated and contributed during the session on GENDER EQUITY organized by the EMPYREAN CLUB under the aegis of Department of Botany and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, ST, XAVIERS COLLEGE,RANCHI on 1st June 2023. |
6. Participated in the Webinar on Do’s and Don’ts in UPSC organized by the EMPYREAN CLUB under the aegis of Department of Botany and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, ST, XAVIERS COLLEGE, RANCHI on 7th June 2023. |
7. National seminar on career opportunities in Biosciences, organized by Dept,of Microbiology and career counseling and Placement of Cell, Raidighi College, West Bengal and Microbiologists Society, India on 29th april,2023 |
8. One day workshop on 15-06-2022 on the topic entitled “How to write a Research Paper at University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, in association with Centre for Social and Environmental Research ,Ranchi and Green Magic Initiative,Ranchi, Jharkhand,India. |
9. National webinar on COVID-19 and other Infectious Viruses: Molecular Characterization and Containment Through Medicinal Plants and Ayurvedic Remedies organized by DNA Labs-A Centre for Applied Science (DLCAS) Dehradun, Uttrakhand. |
10. One day International webinar on Current Perspectives of Microbial Diseases organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chevan College of Science, Karad on 5th June 2020. |
11. Faculty Development Programme on ICT A Novel Means to Fortify the Faculty in Life Sciences organized by the Department of Microbiology, Aurara’s Degree &P.G. College, Chikkadpally, Hydrabad. |
12. Participated and completed Webinar on World Environmental Day,2020 at 9.06.20 conducted by the Department of Biotechnology, Thiruvalluvar University,Vellore-632115. |
13. Recent Advances on Microbial Bioinoculants for Improvement of Agricultural Sustainability organized by Sage School of Agriculture, SAGE University, Bhopal from 26th May -1st June 2020. |
14. Participated in the Webinar on COVID-19- “A Future Diagnostic Challenge” held on 13th and 14th June,2020 organized by Department of Botany and Environment of Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore (M.P), India. |
15. Participated in the Webinar on “Challenges in Science and Technology for tackling COVID-19 organized by Department of Biochemistry, Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore (M.P), India from 11th - 14th June. |
16. Participated in the International Webinar on “Phytochemicals as an Antibiotic Alternative to Combat MDR” conducted by the P.G and Research Department of Botany, Holly Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil nadu, India. |
17. Participated in the “Digital Marketing Web Summit” on “Digital Transformation for a Social Cause.” organized on 5th June 2020 by International School of Management, Patna. |
18. Participated in the Online Two Day Faculty Development Program” ICT A Novel Means to Fortify the Faculty in Life Sciences.”held on 8th & 9th June,2020. |
19. National conference on Virology on “Emerging and Reemerging viral diseases – Climate Change Impacts and Mitigation”, Organized by Department of Microbiology-All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bibinagar, Hydrabad, Telangana from 26th -28th March,2022. |
20. Participated in the Faculty Knowledge Sharing Program “Principles and Practices of Effective Teaching in Degree Colleges” at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi, on 10-09-2019. |
21. Attended the UGC Orientation Workshop on Awareness, Adoption and Promotion of the MOOCs on SWAYAM platform organized by University Grant Commission, Eastern Regional Office, Kolkata at Ranchi University on 03-09-2019. |
22. Participated in workshop on “Introduction to Bioinformatics &Biomedical Informatics”organized by Biomedical Informatics Centre, Department of Biochemistry,RIMS,Ranchi (November 2014). |
23. Participated and presented paper on “Effect of Tinospora cordifolia extract on Agrobacterium tumefaciens induced tumors”in a two day National Symposium on the topic of “Advances in Phytopathological Research in Globalized Era with reference to Eastern Region”, held on 29th & 30th January,2015 at University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, organized by Indian Pathological Society Eastern Zone. |
24. Participated in three Days Workshop on Biotechnology in Institute of Physics in Bhubaneshwar, organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, India. |
25. Participated in UGC sponsored refresher course in “Interaction program for Ph.D. scholar” organized by UGC-academic staff college, Ranchi University, Ranchi (December 2013). |
26. Participated in the Training Program on “Philosophy of Women Discourse &Laws Related To Women” Sponsored by Department of Personnel and Training, Govt. of India, New Delhi. |
27. Participated in the Training Program on Total Quality Management Sponsored by Department of Personnel &Training, Government of India, New Delhi. |
28. Participated in the Training Program on “Watershed and Wasteland Management” Sponsored by the Department of Rural Development, Govt. of Jharkhand, Ranchi. |
29. M.Sc. Dissertation in Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneshwar under the Guidance of Senior Scientist Dr.Nibha Gupta for 3 months. |
30. Project Work entitled “Analytical Methodology of Milk and Milk Products, Testing and Effluent Treatment in Quality Control Section, Ranchi Dairy, Ranchi. |
31. Job Training Program on Vaccine Production, Quality control and use of ELISA technique in seroserveillance by Institute of Animal Health and Production, Kanke, Ranchi. |
32. Job Training Program on the Topic "Aids" in Appolo Hospital,Ranchi |
33. Job Training Program in the Department of Biochemistry, R.M.C.H, Ranchi. |
Life Membership
1. Life member of The International Foundation for Environment and Ecology, Kolkata (incorporated under the Act II of 1882, Govt. of India).Membership/Certificate No. LM/300/2023, Date of Issue:20-09-2023 |
2. Life member of The Indian Society of Agriculture & Horticulture Research Development (ISAHRD) Chandigarh, Punjab, India.(Enrollment Date-21-06-2023, Membership Number-ISAHRD/6021)). |
3. Life member of The International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata, West Bengal (Enrollment Date-08-11-2022, Certificate Number-160/LM/2022) |
4. Life member (Membership No.120/14) of Biospectra (An international biannual refereed journal of life science), P-ISSN:0973-7057, published by Madhwi Shyam Educational Trust,(MSET), Ranchi, Jharkhand.Reg No.20560/IV-1815/2005. |
5. Life member of The Indian Science Congress Association (Membership No.-L25412).Section: New Biol. including Biochem, Biophys, Mol.Bio.& Biotech.). |
Awards and Achievements
1. Fourteen years (14) of teaching experience in different Institutions (BITT, Ranchi, Marwari College, Ranchi University, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi. Presently working in M.sc Biotechnology as an Assistant Professor under the University Department of Botany. |
2. World Ecofeminism Promotional Award 2023 by the Executive Council of International Foundation for Environment and Ecology,koikata based on strong recommendation of the search committee on the occasion of International Conference on Environment, Aquaculture and Sustainable Agriculture 22 - 23 - 24 September 2023 in St. Xavier’s College Ranchi, Jointly Organized by: Department of Botany St. Xavier’s College RanchiIin association with International Foundation for Environment and Ecology, Kolkata, Durga National Education Trust (DNET), Bihar, In Collaboration with Confederation of Indian Universities (CIU),New Delhi. |
3. Best Biotechnologist Award 2023 in 11th Shishak Samman Samaroh-2023 organized by Private School and Children Association Welfare Association (PSACWA) on 10-09-2023. |
Best Biotechnologist Award 2023 in 4th International Conference on “Innovations to Transform Agriculture, Horticulture and Allied Sectors” (ITAHAS-2023) to be held at Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad on 21-23 June 2023, organized by Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad, ISAHRD, Chandigarh JUST AGRICULTURE Education Group. |
5. Best Academician Award-2023” in the Category of Life Science during a two-day International conference on "Multidisciplinary Approaches in Engineering, Science, Agriculture, and Social Studies" (MAESASS-2023) organized by the Council of Research and Sustainable Development, India, the Society of Education, India, and the European Laser Academy, Germany, in collaboration with the 'Deptt. of Biochemistry, SLS, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra, India, College of Medicine, University of Hail, KSA, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India,' 'Quantum University, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India,' 'School of Studies in Environmental Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, M.P., India,' and 'Maharishi University of Information Technology, Lucknow, U.P., India' to be held on 3-4th June 2023 at J.P. Sabhagar, Dr BR Ambedkar University Agra. |
6. Young Scientist Award 2022 in an International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by Dept of Botany,St.Xavier’s College,Ranchi,Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal by the Governing Council of International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal on 14-15-16 November 2022. |
7. Edited a book entitled “Concepts of Immunology” during COVID 19 Lockdown period and successfully got published in March 2022. |
8. Delivered audio tutorials on Radio Khanchi 90.4 FM, A Community Radio Station of Ranchi University during lockdown due to COVID-19. |
9. Academic You Tube Channel (www.youtube.com/anita bio concept)) and delivered online lectures on Life Science since 2020 (COVID 19 Lockdown). |
10. One of the board of members in cancer website (http://abcofcancer.com/Board_of_Member.aspx) |
11. Have contributed five chapters. |
12. Delivered audio tutorials on Radio Khanchi 90.4 FM, A Community Radio Station of Ranchi University during lockdown due to COVID-19. |
13. Ninteen research and review articles in National and International Journals. |
14. More than 30 Conferences and Seminars, Webinars and training and short projects. |
15. Co-Chairperson in a technical session in an International Conference on Environment, Aquaculture and Sustainable Agriculture 22 - 23 - 24 September 2023 in St. Xavier’s College Ranchi, Jointly Organized by: Department of Botany St. Xavier’s College Ranchi in association with International Foundation for Environment and Ecology, Kolkata, Durga National Education Trust (DNET), Bihar, In Collaboration with Confederation of Indian Universities (CIU), New Delhi. |
16. RESOURCE PERSON in the National Webinar on Environmental Ecology and Microbiology organized by Empyrean Club under the aegis of Department of Botany and IQAC, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi in collaboration with Botanical Society, Department of Botany, St Joseph's University, Bengaluru held on 25th July, 2023. |
17. Co-Chairperson in a technical session in an International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture hosted and organized by the Dept of Botany, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, Jharkhand in association with International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata, West Bengal by the Governing Council of International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata, West Bengal on 14-15-16 November 2022. |
18. Life member of The Indian Science Congress Association (Membership No.-L25412).Section: New Biol. including Biochem, Biophys, Mol.Bio.& Biotech.). , Life member (Membership No.120/14) of Biospectra (An International Biannual refereed journal of Life Science),P-ISSN:0973-7057,published by Madhwi Shyam Educational Trust,(MSET),Ranchi,Jharkhand.Reg No.20560/IV-1815/2005. International Academy of Science and Research (IASR), Kolkata,West Bengal(Enrollment Date-08-11-2022,Certificate Number-160/LM/2022) and Indian Society of Agriculture & Horticulture Research Development (ISAHRD) Chandigarh,Punjab,India.(Enrollment Date-21-06-2023, Membership Number-ISAHRD/6021)). |
19. Worked on Rat model on cancer treatment with Giloy climber and synergistic Giloy climber in Ph.D. work. |
20. Participated in EHNO MEDICINAL PLANT EXHIBITION on World Ethnic Day, organized by University Department of Botany,Ranchi University, Ranchi (June 2015). |
21. Received Best paper presentation award at 6th International Conference on Biosciences Research for Nutritional Security, Environmental Conservation & Human Health in Rural India, organized by International Consortium of Contemporary Biologists & Madhwi-Shyam Educational Trust held at IINRG, Namkum, Ranchi.(22-24 Dec.2014). |
22. Got certificate of appreciation in excellence participation and proficiency in National Jharkhand Education Summit & Awards, organized by Association of India Communication Multimedia and Infrastructure (CMAI),New Delhi, held in Ranchi University (March 2014). |
23. Selected for final presentation of research proposal for the Women Scientist Scheme-A, by GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Delhi- 110016. |
24. Won English Essay Competition at College (interdepartmental) level |
25. First and second Rank Holder in School Examinations. |
26. Active participant in sports and cultural activities during school and college time. |
Important Websites