Faculty Profile

Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Associate Professor
Full Name
Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Associate Professor
Level of Guidance & Teaching
Post Graduate
M.A. Ph.D.
Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years | Area of Specialisation | |
Teaching | Research | |
35 years | Human Relations | Sacred Complex |
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholor | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing) |
1. Dr. Abhinay Kumar | PG00678/2013 Vide Memo No. B/1095/16 dated 09-08-2016 Date of Ph.D. Reg.- 30/04/2016 | चेरो जनजाति की स्थिति निरंतरता एवं परिवर्तन : एक मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन | Ph.D. Awarded |
2. Sangeeta Munda | B/528/18, Dated 30/04/2016 | ग्रामीण समुदाय के विकलांगजनों पर सरकारी नीति एवं स्वयं सेवी संस्थाओं का प्रभाव : एक मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन (राँची जिले के रातु प्रखण्ड के विशेष संदर्भ में ) | Ongoing |
3. Ujjwal Dayal Binha | 17/05/2017 | घासी जाति की सामाजि - आर्थिक स्थिति: एक मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन | Ongoing |
4. Somnath Oraon | B/916/16 Dated 16- 06-2016 Date of Ph.D. Reg. – 10/08/2015 | माण्डर क्षेत्र के करकरा एवं पुनगी ग्रामों की उरांव तथा सदानः एक जनजाति - जाति निरंतरण का मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन | Ongoing |
5. Abhijeet Munda | 24/01/22 | “Economic Types and Kinship Terminologies Among the Tribes of Jharkhand” | Ongoing |
6. Lakhendra Prajapati | 24/01/22 | भद्रकाली मंदिर के पवित्र संकुल का अध्ययन (स्थिति एवं परिवर्तन ) | Ongoing |
7. Ajit Vishwakarma | 10/08/2021 | Impact of Anganwadi On Rural Population In Ratu Block of Ranchi District of Jharkhand | Ongoing |
8. Rocky | 10/08/2021 | Status, Continuity and Changes Among The Birjia Tribe of Jharkhand | Ongoing |
9. Ruplal Mahto | 10/08/2021 | बोकारों जिला के अंतर्गत नावाडीह प्रखण्ड में मनरेगा के प्रभाव का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन | Ongoing |
10. Atish Panna | 09/02/2022 | Nature-Man-Spirit Complex of the Birhor Tribe: A Present Study | Ongoing |
11. Priyanka | 13/02/2020 | The Concept of Dominant Caste: A Study in Present Context. | Ongoing |
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended /
Sr.No. | Seminar / Conference | Date of Participation | National / International |
1 | Conference | 27-29 September 2018 | International |
2 | Seminar | 27-28 September 2019 | National |
No. of FIP/refresher courses/summer trainings attended/organised
Date | Period | Venue |
15-02-2020 | One day | Kalinga University, Raipur |
Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and
1. Member, Archive, planning & Advisory Committee of the College. |
2. Member, Building committee of the college. |
3. Member, Purchase committee of the college. |
4. Co-ordinator, IQAC of the College. |
5. Member, IQAC of the College. |
6. Member, IQAC of Ranchi University. |
7. Member, Finance Advisory committee of the college. |
8. Member, Administrative audit committee of the College. |
9. Member, Board of studies of CBCS UG Syllabus R.U. |
10. Nodal officer, Jharkhand Chancellor Portal for Admission. |
11. Member, core committee of RUSUE- 2019 . |
12. Member, Secretary RUSUE- 2019 Election Grievances Redressal Cell. |
13. Member, Academic Council of Ranchi University. |
14. Member, syndicate, Ranchi University. |
15. Member, Senate, Ranchi University. |
16. Member Moderation Board of Anthropology. |
17. Resource Person, UGC, HRDC, Ranchi University. |
18. Member Academic Committee R.M.S.A of RLSY School Kokar, Ranchi |
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