Faculty Profile

Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Geography
Full Name
Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Geography
Career Profile
Teaching experience in years | Area of specialisation |
UG 32 Years PG 22 Years (Total 39 Years) | Population and Resource Geography |
Research Guidance: Ph.D.
Sl. No. | Name of Researcher | Topic | Status |
1 | Karri Tarakeswar Rao | Spatio-Temporal Variation of Urbanization in North Coastal Region, Andra Pradesh | Awarded |
2 | Jyoti Kumari | राँची महानगर की जनसंख्या के बदलते प्रतिरूप एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन | Awarded |
3 | Indra Bhushan Pandey | राँची नगरीय क्षेत्र की वर्तमान जनसंख्या एवं अधिवास समस्याएँ | Awarded |
4 | Shyama | Role of Informal Sector and Urban Local Bodies: A Spatio Temporal Analysis of Ranchi Municipal Result awaited Corporation 1991-2011 | Submitted |
5 | Anshu Mala | In-migration from Jharkhand into Bangalore Megacity: A Study in Population Geography | Submitted |
6 | Beli Gope | नामकुम प्रखण्ड के अधिवासीय प्रतिरूप पर नगरीकरण का प्रभाव : एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन | Ongoing |
7 | Bhawna | राँची जिला की कृषि भूमि पर नगरीकरण का प्रभाव : एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन | Ongoing |
8 | Rimmi Kumari | राँची जिला में उराँव जनजाति की व्यवसायिक संरचना : जनसंख्या भूगोल में एक अध्ययन | Ongoing |
Research Paper Published from 2019 onwards
Sl. No. | Topic | Journal |
1 | Environmental Implications of Landuse/Landcover Changes in North Coastal Region of Andhra Pradesh, India 2019 | Geographical Outlook, ISSN-0433-4515. |
2 | राँची नगर में जनसंख्या वितरण 2019 | Geographical Outlook, ISSN-0433-4515. |
3 | Spatial Analysis of Urbanization in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh 2019 | Geographical Outlook, ISSN-0433-4515. |
4 | Migration from Jharkhand: Causes and Consequences 2023 | Swadeshi Research Foundation |
5 | Internal Migration in India- An Overview 2023 | International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies |
Any other Academics,administration and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and awards
1 | Worked as Assistant Controller of Examinations, Ranchi College, Ranchi from 2009 to 2018 |
2 | Worked as In-charge/Director, Examination Data Processing Cell, Ranchi University, Ranchi from August 2012 to June 2023 |
3 | Worked as Flight Commander, NCC Air Wing, Senior Division from September 1992 to January 2022, Retired as Squadron Leader |
4 | Awarded Long Service Medal for 7 Years, Long Service Medal for 12 Years Defence Secretary Commendation Card 2011 |
5 | Member, Board of studies NCC as Generic Subject, Ranchi College 2012, Ranchi University 2021. |
6 | Member, Board of studies UG and PG CBCS (Geography) Ranchi University |
7 | Member of DRC, University Department of Geography, RU |
8 | Worked as Co Ordinator for 48th Orientation Programme, UGC Academic Staff College, from 4 January to 31 January 2008 |
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