Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Shakeel Ahmad
Associate Professor
Full Name
Dr. Md. Shakeel Ahmad
M.A & Ph.D
Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years | Area of Specialisation | |
38 yrs. and counting | Teaching : Novel & Modern Drama | Research : Novel |
Number of Research Papers Published in Journals/Periodical :
Sl. No. | Title of Research Article/Papers | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date / Year of Publication |
1 | An Analysis of D.H. Lawrence's Novels on Sex, Love and Man-Women Relationship (A Critical Study) | 2230-9802 | Journal of English Studies Vol-XII No.1 | 2017 |
2 | Dismantling Englishness and Globalizing Space: Post-Imperialist Disillusionment in Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day | P-ISSN No.: 2394-0344 E-ISSN No.: 2455-0817 |
Remarking Vol-II Issue-XII | 2016 |
3 | The Concept of "Unity of God": An Analysis of William Blake's Mystic Poetry | P-ISSN No.: 2394-0344 E-ISSN No.: 2455-0817 |
Remarking An Analisation Vol-1 Issue-IV | 2016 |
4 | Cult of Anti-Romanticism in the Plays of G.B. Shaw | P-ISSN No.: 2321-290X E-ISSN No.: 2349-980X |
Shrinkhla Ek Shodhparak Vaicharik Patrika Vol-III Issue-XII | August 2016 |
5 | A Study of Social Realism in the Novels of George Orwell | P-ISSN No.: 2394-0344 E-ISSN No.: 2455-0817 |
Remarking An Analisation Vol-1 Issue-IV | September 2016 |
No. of Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops Attended/ Organised
Seminars/ Conference | Organised by | Date of Participation | National / International |
Faculty Development Programme | Kalinga University | (20.02.2019) | National |
English Language Teaching in Jharkhand under Special Assistance Programme (SAP) of UGC | University Department of English, Ranchi University, Ranchi | (28-29 March 2012) | National |
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Higher Education in Independent India | Ranchi College, Ranchi, A Constitute-Autonomous Unit of Ranchi University, Ranchi | (28-29 January 2018) | National |
Preparing Research Papers: Tools & Techniques | S.S. Memorial College, Ranchi | (12 May 2012) | National |
No. of FIP Orientation Programme /Refresher Course/ Summer Trainings attended / Organised
Date | Period | Venue | |
UGC-Sponsored 49th Orientation Programme | 03.03.2008 to 30.03.2008 | 27 Days | UGC- Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi |
UGC-Sponsored 8th Refresher Course in English | 24.04.2007 to 15.05.2007 | 21 Days | UGC-Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi |
UGC-Sponsored 6th Refresher Course in English | 26.02.2005 to 18.03.2005 | 20 Days | UGC-Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi |
Research Guidance: Ph.D.
Name of Research Scholar | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status |
Biswajit Roy | (14.07.2020) | A Study of Modernism in the Select Plays of Christopher Fry | Ongoing |
Supriya Saha | (04.08.2021) | Portrayal of 'Topophilia' in the Works of Mirza Waheed: A Study of Place, Placeness, and Placelessness | Ongoing |
Rudra Kumar | (04.08.2021) | The Concept of Liberal Humanism in the Select Novels of Durjoy Datta | Ongoing |
Md. SK Jiaul Haque | (04.08.2021) | The Social Allegory As Represented in the Short Stories of Nadine Gordimer | Ongoing |
Ramnath Hota | Under Process | Marginalisation and Voiceless Feminism in the Works of Indira Goswami, Mahasweta Devi, and Tehmina Durrani | Ongoing |
Ravi Kachhap | (05.09.2019) | Search for Identity and Racial Consciousness in the Literary Works of James Baldwin | Ongoing |
Seraj Ud Din Pandith | (05.07.2017) | Elements of Modernism in the Selected Novels of Iris Murdoch | Ongoing |
Yashodanandan Mallik | (04.08.2021) | Theme of Alienation, Rootlessness, and Cultural Conflict in the Novels of Anita Race Badami | Ongoing |
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