Faculty Profile

Dr. Sujata Singh
Associate Professor
Full Name
Dr. Sujata Singh
Associate Professor
M.A., Ph.D.
Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years | Area of Specialisation: Modern India | |
Teaching | Research | |
UG – 6 YEARS | 26 YEARS | 30 YEARS |
PG - 26 YEARS |
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholar | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status (No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing) |
1. M Phil (2017-18) Sandeep Kumar | Rajmahal ke bhaugolik parivesh mein rajnitik shaktiyon ka udbhav evam vikas : ek aitihasik adhyayan | Awarded | |
2. Ph.D. (Dr.) Mohit Kumar Lal | Lohiawadi Darshan vartman sandarbh mein | Awarded |
Books authored /Edited / Co-Author Chapter in Book
Name of Books | Subject | Sole or Co-Author | ISBN | Date of Publication | Name of Publishers |
Rethinking the Contributions of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, (ed.) | Modern Indian History | Chapter in Book | ISBN-13:978-93-5125-260-3 | 2017 | Concept Publishers |
Prefacing History: Text and Context | Modern Indian History | Chapter in Book | 978-93-90155-93-4 | 2020 | Author’s Press |
Number of Research Papers published in
Sr. No. | Title with page number | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date of Publication |
1 | The Bihar Earthquake of 1934: Gandhi’s Approach to Disaster Management | 0022-1562 | Journal of Historical Research, PG Department of History | 2017 |
2 | Presidential Address of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad at Ramgarh | 0022-1562 | Journal of Historical Research, PG Department of History | 2019 |
3 | Tribal Patrilineal Structure and Emerging Issues | Sera Durang, Volume 2, Research Journal Of Dr. Ramdayal Munda Tribal Research Institute, Govt. of Jharkhand | 2019 |
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended /
Sr.No. | Seminar / Conference | Date of Participation | National / International |
1 | Itihaskaron Ki Najar Mein Santal Hul | 30.06.18 | National |
2 | Birsait and other peaceful social-cultural Movements | 18.11.2019 | National |
3 | Shaheed Jatra Tana Bhagat avam Mahatma Gandhi ke Satyagrah avam Ahinsa ke Darshan | 02.10.18 | National |
4 | Workshop on Approaching the Sources in Archives, Record Rooms, Libraries and District Headquarters | 02.12.2021 | National |
Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy
and awards
Evaluator of Books |
1. Veer Telanga Kharia, TRI, Government of Jharkhand, 2018. |
2. Amar Shaheed Gaya Munda, TRI, Government of Jharkhand, 2018. |
Referee |
1. Research article for Journal of Social Research Foundation, vol. 6, Kanpur, 2018 |
Project |
Major Project on Santal Hul, Ramdayal Munda Tribal Research Institute, Government of Jharkhand, 2019. |
Academic Position of Responsibilities |
1. M. Phil in –charge since 2012 |
2. Member Common Board of Studies, Ranchi University for BA (Hons. / pass course) in History, MA and M. Phil in History and Archeology and Museology in History (Vocational Course) of Ranchi University |
3. Member Post Graduate Research Council for the faculty of Social Science of Ranchi University |
4. Member Women Grievance Cell, Post Graduate Department of History, Ranchi University, since 04.03.2013 |
5. Member Counseling and Placement Cell, PG Department of History, RU. |
6. Paper Setter for BA (Hons.), Subsidiary and MA (Ranchi University, Kolhan University), St. Xavier College, Ranchi |
7. Moderation of MA and UG papers, CBCS, Ranchi University |
8. Member DRC of PG department of History |
Important Websites