Faculty Profile

Prof. (Dr.) Jitendra Shukla
Associate Professor, Geography
Full Name
Prof. (Dr.) Jitendra Shukla
Associate Professor, Geography
Career Profile
Teaching experience in years | Area of Specialisation | |
34+ | Teaching: P.G level Teaching | Research: M.phil. + ph.D. Geomorphology, Regional planning, and development, Environmental Geography, Cartography. |
Research Guidance : M.Phil./Ph.D. /D.Sc. /D.Litt.
Name of Research Scholar | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status (No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing) |
Md Azfar Mondal | EX 13987-97, dated: 29/06/17 | The resource appraisal and planning for the development of Bankura District of W.B. | Awarded |
Subhankar Patra | EX 18135-45, Dated 02.05.18 | Accelerated geomorphic hazard and their enviromental impact on Purba Medinipur watt of W.B - awarded | Awarded |
Mausami | Memo -Ex 5562-72, Dated-11/11/22 | Enviromental impact of coal mining in north Karanpura coalfield project (NKP) area, | Awarded |
Veena Lakra | Nagrikaran ka Jalsansadhan par Prabhav. | Submitted | |
Zeba Zareen | 1895-42, dated-07/08/2018 | Role of MGNREGA in the development of Palamu district | Submitted |
Babita Kumari | 1895-42, dated-07/08/2018 | Level of regional development and planning in Santhal Parganas. | Submitted |
Ravi Kumar | 11th Feb 2020 | A Comparative Study of literacy among Munda and Oraon tribes in Ranchi District. | Ongoing |
Kalyan Sardar | 11th Feb 2020 | Population dynamics and impact of resources: A Case study of Kultali block, south of Kultali block, south 24 Parganas, W.B. | Ongoing |
Aruna Kumari | Applied on 02.07.22 | Impact of Globalization on Birhor tribal Community of Bokaro district in Jharkhand. | ---- |
Krishna Kumari | Applied on 20.10.22 | A study of the growth center and its planning for development in Dumka district. | ---- |
Vijoy Hansda | Applied on 20.10.22 | Agricultural change in Hura Block of Purulis district (WB) from 1991 to 2021 and its impact on Socioeconomics development: A Geographical perspective. | ---- |
Prosenjit Murmu | ------ | An appraisal of level of development among schedule tribe in Manbazar Block -1 of Purulia district W.B. | ---- |
Books Authored/Edited/Co-Author Chapter in Book
Name of Books | Subject | Sole or Co-Author | ISBN | Date of Publication | Name of Publishers |
झारखण्ड का भूगोल | भूगोल | डॉ जगदीश कुमार महतो | 978-93-54567-07-8 | जनवरी 2023 | शिवांगन पब्लिकेशन राँची |
----- | ----- | विद्यानंद चौधरी | ------ | ------ | ------ |
Number of Research papers published in Journals/Periodical
Title with page Nos. | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date of Publication |
झारखण्ड मे कृषि के उपयोग का बदलता सवरूप : एक भौगोलिक अध्यन | 2277-4858 | The Konkan Geeographer | Nov-Dec-2018 |
झारखण्ड के परंपरागत कृषि में बदलाव : एक विलेष्णात्मक अध्यन | 0973-3914 | Research journal of social and live sciences Vol-26 | Dec-2018 |
No. of Seminars/Conferences/Workshop Attended/Organised
Seminar/Conference | Date of Participation | National/International |
Seminar | 29 June 2017 | State Level |
Seminar | 15-16 July 2017 | National Level |
XIV annual conference and National seminar | 8.08.2017 | National |
12th International seminar on Development and Tribes /As a resource person | 09.08.2017 | International |
12th international seminar on Development and Tribals/ Presented paper | 09.08.2017 | International |
37th INKA international congress for cartodiversity and its management /presented paper | 1-3 Nov 2017 | International |
Attended and chaired the 6-13th International seminar on Urban Development. | 10 to 12th March 2018 | International |
13th International Seminar on Urban Development/Co-Ordinator | 10 to 12th march 2018 | International |
XIV International Geographical Union (IGU), India Conference. | 6 to 8 March 2020 | International |
14th International Seminar on Rural Development | 27 to 29 Oct. 2018 | International |
7th International Seminar on recent trends of Biodiversity. | 24 to 26 Sept, 2022 | International |
23rd annual conference on National Seminar Ara. | 15 to 16 th Oct, 2022 | National |
42nd International Congress on Digital Cartography to Harness Blue Economy | 9 to 11th Nov, 2022 | International |
International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic conference-22/presented paper | 24 - 25 Nov, 2022 | International |
International Geographical Union (ICU) Thematic conference-22 /Chaired Session | 24-25 Nov, 2022 | International |
8th National Seminar on Climatic Change and Sustainable Development | 17 -19 December, 2022 | National |
National Seminar on Eco-Criticism | 26 to 27 August -2022 | National |