Faculty Profile

Dr Suresh Kumar Samad
Assistant Professor, Geology
Full Name
Dr Suresh Kumar Samad
Assistant Professor
Coal Geology and Organic Petrology, Shale Gas
Teaching Experience
02 Years 06 Months 14 Days (as on 01.06.2023)
Number of Research Papers published in
Sr. No. | Title | Paper Published | ISBN/ISSN | Whether Peer Reviewed | No. of Co- Authors | Whether you are the main author/ Editor | Year of publication |
1 | Number of Papers Published in Peer Reviewed National Journals Macropetrographical and depositional conditions of Coal Seams of Dhori Area, East Bokaro Coal Field, Jharkhand, India | RUJOST | 2319-4227 | Yes | 03 | No | 2022 |
2 | Number of Papers Published in Peer Reviewed International Journals Palaeo- environmental Investigations for Permian Coals of West Bokaro Coal- field, Ramgarh, Jharkhand. | TSOP | 978-954- 92584-0-0 | Yes | 04 | No | 2021 |
3 | Geochemical attributes for source rock and palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the Auranga Basin, India | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | 0920-4105 | Yes | 05 | No | 2020 |
4 | The influence of the thermal aureole asymmetry on hydrocarbon generative potential of coal beds: Insights from Raniganj Basin, West Bengal, India. | International Journal of Coal Geology | 0166-5162 | YES | 04 | NO | 2019 |
5 | Evaluation of gas resource potentiality, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of Permian shale beds of Latehar-Auranga Coalfield, India. | International Journal of Coal Geology | 0166-5162 | YES | 11 | NO | 2018 |
6 | Pore geometrical complexity and fractal facets of Permian shales and coals from Auranga Basin, Jharkhand, India | Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, | 1875-5100 | YES | 03 | NO | 2018 |
7 | Geochemical and organo-petrographic characterization for hydrocarbon generation from Barakar Formation in Auranga Basin, India, | International Journal of Coal Geology | 0166-5162 | YES | 06 | NO | 2018 |
8 | FTIR, XRF, XRD and SEM characteristics of Permian shales, India, | Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, | 1875-5100 | YES | 06 | NO | 2016 |
9 | Petrographic insights of organic matter conversion of Raniganj basin shales, India, | International Journal of Coal Geology | 0166-5162 | YES | 07 | NO | 2015 |
11 | Petrographic Characteristics and Methane Sorption Dynamics of Coal and Shaly-Coal Samples from Ib Valley Basin, Odisha, India, | International Journal of Coal Geology | 0166-5162 | YES | 08 | NO | 2015 |
12 | Methane Sorption Dynamics and Hydrocarbon Generation of Shale Samples from West Bokaro and Raniganj Basins, India, | Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, | 1875-5100 | YES | 04 | NO | 2014 |
Books authored /Edited / Co-Author Chapter in Book
Title | Book Title | ISBN | Whether Peer Reviewed | No. of Co- Authors | Whether you are the main author/ Editor | Year of publication |
Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Selected Borehole Coal and Shale Samples from Jharia Basin, Jharkhand | Frontiers of Earth Science | ISBN: 978- 81-7233- 929-6 eISBN: 978-93- 86102-34-8 | YES | 05 | No | 2015 |
Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Selected Borehole Coal and Shale Samples from Jharia Basin, Jharkhand | Frontiers of Earth Science | ISBN: 978- 81-7233- 929-6 eISBN: 978-93- 86102-34-8 | YES | 05 | No | 2015 |
1. Shale Gas potential of Lower Permian Shales from Raniganj and West Bokaro basins, India, 2014. 66th Annual Meeting and Symposium of The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP-2014), September 20-27, 2014, Held in Science City, Kolkata, India. 40-41. |
2. Effect of igneous intrusion on hydrocarbon generation behavior of coal seam in Jambad Area, Raniganj Basin, India. 2015. SDGG, 67th Annual Meeting of the ICCP, September 5-11, 2015, Potsdam, Germany |
3. Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Shale Gas from Auranga Basin, Jharkhand, 2016, 6th World PetroCoal Congress and Expo 2016, Organized by Energy and Environment Foundation, Government of India, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Earth Science, 15-17 February 2016, New Delhi. |
4. Attended the “International Conference and Exhibition on Energy & Environment: Challenges & Opportunities” held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India, February 20-22, 2019. |
5. Geochemical, mineralogical and Pore structures of shales from Auranga Coal Basin, Jharkhand, India. 2016. 35th International Geological Congress, held in Cape Town, South Africa. |
No. of
courses attended
1. Completed a 4-week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institute of Higher Education” from 19th November to 18th December 2021 and obtained Grade A+ |
2. Participated in the Inter/multi-disciplinary Refresher Course in Environmental Science and Ecology from 13.09.2022 to 26.09.2022 and obtained Grade-A |
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