M.A. in Jyotirvigyan

The Jyotish Shastra division of Sanskrit Department, Ranchi University has established itself as an independent education hub for studying and imparting knowledge about the events happening in human life and in the universe on time scales. It takes pride in rolling out batches of successful student each year, who have been serving the mankind by helping them overcome the vagaries of unpredictable life events. The Jyotirvigyan wing has been incessantly working towards enlightening the inquisitive students about the scientific nature of this ancient Indian tradition of knowing the unknown using research as well class room methods such as assignments, practicals, group discussions, workshops, guest lecture etc.
The field of Jyotisha deals with ascertaining time, particularly forecasting auspicious day and time for Vedic rituals and innumerable auspicious social activities and thus bonds itself with people from different walks of life. It is heartening to note that the University has been lavishly appreciating the efforts of this division and generously encouraging it to move up the ladder of excellence.
- Dr. C.S. Mishra
- Dr. D.K. Dubey
- Smt. S.Bandyopadhyay
- Mr. S. Ghosal
- M.A. 1st Year – Rs. 8500/-
- M.A. 2nd Year – Rs. 7500/-
- Diploma Vastu – Rs. 5000/- Per Semester
workshop of Palmistry, Numerology, Gems Therapy will also run by the Department time to time.
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