M.Sc. in Environmental Science


Environmental studies were introduced as an elective special paper in the post-graduate course of studies around 1975 and has been continuing since then. Teaching and research in environmental biology has flourished since then. Presently we are introducing Environmental science in the Post-graduate courses which will integrate and cater to students of all branches of science for study and training in the broad environmental framework and produce a society with full environmental awareness so that the environment can be protected for future generations.
Faculty and Laboratory

The Department of Environmental Science has a well-equipped environmental laboratory for assessment of all aspects of the soil, atmosphere and aquatic environment, and is presently working for the development and expansion of the same. Guest faculty from other concerned universities and organization are also be invited for special lecture sessions. The students are then exposed to industrial training for real world experiences.

The program reflects the integrated multidisciplinary approach required in modern environmental studies, research and ecosystem-based management. Marine, atmospheric, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are studied through basic scientific disciplines: physical, chemical and biological subsystems and its analysis using mathematical tools and techniques. This is the applied to conservation and management studies. There is a strong emphasis on practical aspects, field-based sampling, lab analysis, and links with industrial and environmental organizations. The course has been arranged such that in the first two semesters they will receive knowledge on the basics of environmental science while in the next four semesters they will have an insight in applied aspects and in planning and management strategies. Before they leave as environmental managers they will have industrial training and an experience in actual field studies and prepare projects. Seventy five percent (75%) attendance is a must for all students Inducted in the program.

Criteria for admission

Post-graduate program: Post-graduate program: Honours graduates from any branch of science (or equivalent) with a minimum of 45% marks are eligible to apply. The students will appear in a pre-admission test and 50 candidates will be selected for admission strictly on a merit basis keeping in view of the existing university reservation norms. The course has been divided into four semesters.
Admission: The course at present has forty seats and admissions will be done strictly on a merit basis and following the governments reservation policy. If the number of applications is high an admission test will be taken. The final selection list will be prepared using 60% of the 10+2 marks and 40% from the selection test.
Dress code: All the students admitted to the course must adhere to the dress code for the particular program. The students seeking admission will adhere to a dress code.
Post Graduate program: Light green shirt with a logo and a black pant while the girls will wear light green qurta with a logo and white salwar and dupatta. Use of white apron is compulsory during the practical sessions. Information regarding dress will be given by the department.
Admission fee: The admission fee for each semester is Rs 15000 for candidates of all Categories. Fees are to be submitted in the form of a bank draft in favor of A-1 Environmental Science, payable at Ranchi. Examination fees are taken separately during the end semester examinations.
Fee Structure

The students have to pay the course fee and examination fee before each semester and the requisite college fees (fees of two semesters | & II/III & IV are to be paid at a time that is 30000 per year during the start of the session).
Course Fee M.Sc |
15000 |
15000 |
15000 |
15000 |
Examination Fee M.Sc GeneralSC/ST/BCI |
12001000 |
12001000 |
12001000 |
12001000 |
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