Notice for Officials

  1. new Notification for old pension scheme
  2. new Candidates Debbared Notice
  3. new Prepration of the panel for the appointment of Assistant Professors on purely contractual basis in Vocational courses.
  4. new Corrigendum : Advertisement: Inviting online application for the posts of Need Based Assistant Professor, Ranchi University

    Corrigendum : Click here to apply

  5. new Advertisement for appointment of Assistant Professor on purly contractual basis for the Self-Finance Vocational Courses
    Link of Online Application
  6. new Ranchi University-India Rankings(NIRF)2024.
  7. new Notice for all Colleges under Ranchi University for UG Semester-4
  8. GEODE JULY-AUG 2022.
  9. Link of B.Ed.Counselling(session 22-24) under the supervision of Ranchi University,Ranchi.
  10. Regulation Governing the award of degree of Ph.D, D.Sc. and D.Litt.
  11. Notification of New affiliation/Extension of affiliation granted to the Nursing Colleges under Ranchi University.
  12. Affiliation regarding Statute relating to admission and exclusion of colleges other than those managed and maintained by the University
  13. New Affiliation and Temporary Affiliation
  14. Programme/Centre of Examinations/Filling up Examination forms/Registration
  15. Examination Result 2023.
  16. Statutes for Direct Election of Ranchi University Students' Union.
  17. Statutes of Ranchi University Students' Union (Amendments)
  18. Issue of certificate to scholars registered for Ph.D Research - 2009
  19. Regarding Scheme for Higher Education Youth for Apprenticeship & Skilling SHREYAS & Launching of Portal
  20. Tender 2022
  21. NAAC result of Ranchi University: B++ Grade
  22. NAAC Peer team report on Institutional Accreditation
  23. Self Study report for NAAC Evaluation
  24. School of Yoga, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
  25. School of Yoga, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
  26. GEODE July 2021 Vol-01 No- 07
  27. GEODE August 2021 Vol-01 No- 08
  28. GEODE September 2021 Vol. 01 No. 09
  29. GEODE October Vol. 01 No. 10
  30. GEODE Nov. Dec 2021 Vol. 01 No. 11-12.
  31. GEODE JAN 2022 Vol II No.1
  32. GEODE FEB 2022 Vol II No.02.
  33. GEODE MARCH 2022 Vol II No.03.
  34. GEODE APRIL 2022 VOL II NO. 04.
  35. GEODE MAY 2022 VOL. II NO. 05
  36. GEODE June 2022 Vol. II No. 06

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