M.A in Public Administration


Discovering civilizations hidden in the womb of the earth andreveal its secrets to the world in order to reconstruct history, bridging the broken links of the past, conserving, preserving and protecting our rich historical and cultural heritage in the process.

Graduates from any faculty (science, Arts, Commerce, Humanities) including Vocational Courses are eligible to take admission in the Master course in Public Administration. Candidates will be admitted in the course on the basis of marks/ entrance test and counseling on the date and time fixed by the Department. Admission norms as laid down by Ranchi University will be followed.

Students seeking admission in the Master Course in Public Administration are required to pay Rs.20,000/for the entire two years course (in case of General Category Candidate) and Rs. 16,000/- (for SC & ST candidates) Besides this candidates are required to pay examination fee as required by the University, However, the course will be paid annually Rs. 10,000/-per annum for General Candidate and 8,000/-for SC/ST candidate. There are two seats for BPL who is not required to pay course fee.

The Master Course of Public Administration altogether have 16 papers.

The course will consist of four semesters each semester of Six Month duration, as detailed in the University Regulation. Annual Examination will be held at the end of the year and final examination will be held in the last year. However, result will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by the examinees in both the examination. 75% attendance is required for students to qualify for appearing in the examination.

Every year campus recruitment is organized by the University enabling the student of Public Administration to get employment in various companies visiting the university in quest of qualified candidates for different category of jobs. The Department also prepare (through short terms English spoken course the students to face the interview organized by different companies. In Jharkhand Master Course of P.A. is first of its kind.

India is a democratic nation that needs a public administrator for the smooth running of all the functions and implementation of laws passed by the government authorities. Students can work in various other fields and not just stick to the government sector, as well as social worker, human resource manager, legal counselor, consultant, etc.
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